How To Cure Cellulite


Top Anti-Cellulite Lotions and How To Make Creams At Home

When it comes to cellulite treatment creams there is a shocking amount of products on the market. While there is a growing demand for these products the effectiveness of individual cellulite treatment creams is still not known. Consumers should also keep in mind the fact that cellulite treatment creams are considered cosmetics and not medical treatment so they are not regulated by boards such as the FDA. This means that any claims made by cellulite treatment creams aren't supported to scientific evidence. However, cellulite treatment creams still remain a viable, quick and inexpensive option to get rid of cellulite for short periods.

Most cellulite treatment creams are applied topically and for a few hours give the illusion that the skin is smoother. However, if you stop applying the cream then the cellulite will return. Although these topical creams are an inexpensive choice when compared to other possible treatments. But this doesn't mean they are the cheapest option since they are still more expensive than a regular moisturizer. If you do choose to use cellulite treatment creams then you should apply them at night to get the best results since your skin is more permeable at this time. When considering cellulite treatment creams you should consider the following ingredients.

Common Ingredients

Aminophylline is most commonly used in the treatment of asthma to help relax the lungs. However, it is used in many cellulite treatment creams because it is a derivative of the active ingredient theophyllinem which is a muscle relaxant. When using creams with this ingredient you should keep them away from heat sources and use them quickly. It was originally thought that this ingredient broke down fat cells, however studies found that this is not true since it does not enter the bloodstream which means it isn't able to break down fat cells.

Often Retinoids will be used in wrinkle treatment creams and they are a Vitamin A derivative. In certain concentrations this ingredient can be used to reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles and roughness of the facial skin by improving circulation to the skin. However, there have been no studies to establish the effectiveness of this ingredient against cellulite. It is important to apply these creams at night since retinol can be destroyed when exposed to light.

Another popular ingredient is alpha hydroxy acids which are found in plants and certain foods such as citrus fruits, apples, grapes, tomatoes, apricots and sour milk. These can act of exfoliators in lower concentrations which can help with the removal of superficial dead cells and increase the turnover rate of cells. As with all the other ingredients though there is no studies that can prove the effectiveness of alpha hydroxy acids as a treatment for cellulite.

 Top anti-cellulite creams

Cellulite is a common condition plaguing many modern women. The unsightly rippled patches of skin on the backside, the thighs and the abdomen cause significant damage to a woman’s self-esteem and can sometimes prevent a woman from feeling sexy, attractive and comfortable in her own skin. There are many different products and treatment programs on the market today designed to address, remove, reduce and prevent it. Among these products consumers have rated Cellulean, Dermology, Revitol and Revita Shape as the best consumer rated creams on the market.

Cellulean is the number one product with the highest consumer satisfaction rating. It comes in at an astounding 90% satisfaction level. Cellulean is an all-natural serum with forty-five active ingredients, which consist of herbs, anti-oxidants, Shea Butter, liposome, lavender, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Macadamia Nuts, and green teas to name a few. All these ingredients are guaranteed all safe and all natural.

This product is proven to address the following problem areas: the buttocks, the thighs, the abdominal area, and the under-arm area.

Number two on the list is the Dermology Cellulite Solution. It registers an 80% satisfaction rating. The active ingredient of Dermology is caffeine, which stimulates blood flow to the affected areas. The upside of this product is that it is made from safe and natural ingredients but the down side to it is that it takes a week or two before any noticeable improvements are seen.

Third on the list is the Revitol Cellulite Solution, with a 70% consumer satisfaction rating. Revitol aims to eliminate unwanted dimples. Its main ingredients are Retinol A, Shea butter, capsicum extract, and caffeine that improve the metabolism, tighten the skin and improve blood circulation that not only smoothen out uneven bumps, but also helps fight skin aging for more youthful and healthy skin all over. This product should be applied three to four times a day for best results.

Last on the list with a satisfaction rating of 60% is a toning formula called Revita Shape. It is designed to lift and tone common problem areas where uneven and dimpled skin usually occurs. These include the arms, the legs, the backside and the stomach. Revita Shape also promises to improve circulation and reduce any inflammations that contribute to skin rippling. Revita Shape works by stimulating the metabolism to burn stored fat, improving the elasticity of the skin, and by draining unwanted toxins and water from between cells. This product works immediately however, for permanent results, it is advised that the product be used for at least six weeks.

How to Make Homemade Cellulite Cream

Have you looked into using cellulite creams and lotions? You may have been put off by the cost, or maybe you aren't comfortable with the ingredients used. You can actually make your own cellulite-fighting creams at home for much less money using healthy ingredients. Here are some recipes to try.

1. Essential Oil Cellulite Cream

This good-smelling lotion not only pleases your sense of smell; the essential oils used are reputed to help tighten skin and reduce cellulite's lumpy appearance.

* 1 cup unscented body lotion

* 1 tablespoon witch hazel (available at drug stores and large retailers in the pharmacy or first aid section)

* 3 to 5 drops each of the following essential oils: juniper, rosemary, cypress and grapefruit

First, mix the essential oils with the witch hazel by shaking or swirling. Then add the lotion and stir or shake vigorously. Use this lotion after you shower and before bedtime, working it into the skin with a circular, massaging motion.

2. Coffee Scrub

Caffeine is one of the main ingredients used in a lot of commercial cellulite creams. Using coffee grounds you can apply this caffeine to the skin, and also the abrasive/exfoliant action of the grounds can help increase circulation and skin tone. Here is how to make a coffee scrub for cellulite.

* 1 cup used coffee grounds (some sources say you can use the ground coffee fresh, without making coffee with it first. Presumably, this would have more caffeine but may seem more wasteful)

* 1/4 cup sweet almond oil

Mix these two ingredients and apply to wet, warm skin in small circles, massaging well. You can "wrap" the area with plastic wrap and then a towel, leaving the coffee scrub in place for about ten minutes before rinsing. Make sure you have a strainer over your shower drain so it doesn't get clogged with coffee grounds!

3. Fruit Cream

The presence of acids such as tartaric and citric acid in fruits may help reduce cellulite. This recipe also uses sugar, which can act like an exfoliant to increase circulation and tone up skin.

* 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil

* 3 tablespoons sugar

* 1/2 cup pureed fresh strawberries

Apply this cellulite cream as you would the one made from coffee grounds. It could also be used under a cellulite wrap.

To emphasize, medicines and food supplements that act on fatty tissue are also used to help fight the dimples. Some of these medicines and food supplements are methylxanthines, beta-agonists and adrenaline, pentoxifyline, amino acids, alpha-antagonists, rutin, brown Indians, grape seed bioflavonoids, soya lecithin, the Evening primrose oil, sweet clover, fish oil and fucus extract, Ginkgo biloba (tree or tree crowns to forty thousand crowns to Yinxing or Chinese) and more. These can be applied topically, intravenously or orally. None of these drugs have been scientifically proven to be effective one hundred percent.