How To Cure Cellulite


Looking For The Perfect Anti Cellulite Solution

Cellulite is the plague of all women; it doesn’t discriminate against young or old. It can afflict just about anyone and it is hugely embarrassing. Women with curves can take comfort in the fact that even very thin women can have cellulite. So we can all agree that cellulite is undesirable. Now what is the best anti cellulite solution?

Many of the things marketed to women from an anti cellulite diet to massages and creams often have mixed results. Many people have found poor results with anti cellulite creams and lotions that are touted by manufacturers as miracle creams.


Be wary of the many anti cellulite creams that are marketed to women. Many of them do not work or do not provide the kind of results that are expected. However a recent revelation in the fight against cellulite is the use of creams that contain caffeine. The theory behind these new anti cellulite creams is that the caffeine helps to speed up the fat metabolism

If you are going down the cream route then you should look for creams that have ingredients that will help reduce inflammation, and also contain plenty of antioxidants. Retinol is one ingredient said to enhance skin texture and appearance. It is used in many wrinkle creams. This type of cream is best used at night for maximum benefits.

Lifestyle Cures

Creams may not be the only thing that can help you find smooth skin. If you would like a more long term anti cellulite solution then look to your lifestyle and how you can change it to achieve better looking skin.

One of the things that you can do is to start drinking more water. The usual recommended eight glasses of water is not enough if you are very active or live in a warm climate. Drink more water to hydrate your skin.

Exercising is another way to reduce the appearance of cellulite. You can keep the connective tissue in your skin strong with regular exercise. This will prevent fat from floating to the top, thus preventing the dimpled effect of cellulite.

Massages are very helpful in the anti cellulite fight. You don’t even need to go to a spa, though this is a luxurious treat that will definitely help with the appearance of your skin. Using a massage roller can also help if you would like to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Ask your partner to help give you a massage instead of getting a professional one.

 What is Ionithermie treatment for cellulite reduction?

Ionithermie treatment for cellulite reduction consists of organic compounds that are then combined with two types of stimulation (massage and electrical stimulation). Organic compounds that are used in this form of cellulite reduction treatment are micronized algae, guarana, RNA, ivy and thermal aroma clay (which contains conductive properties). Certainly, the key ingredient in this particular form of cellulite reduction is the thermal aroma clay as it has the ability to retain heat while being able to transmit electrical stimulation because of its conductive properties.

When you are treated with the Ionithermie to reduce cellulite, treatment begins with an exfoliating scrub for the body and lymphatic massage which prepares the body for the next processing step. In the next step will be the person of the thermal aroma clay applied to the body, usually around the legs, buttocks and stomach. But often the clay will not be applied directly to the skin, but first a cool white cloth will be placed on the body parts being treated. Once the clay has been applied, the person providing the treatment will place some electronic pads on the areas being treated. Now get ready for the next stage which is when the massage begins. The professional who performs the processing starts an electronic machine where the pads are attached so the massage begins with small amounts of electric charges are sent by platelets in the clay stimulates the body's skin. Normally each massage session lasts 15 minutes and then you will see that when finished, you'll still have 15 minutes to relax.

Once everything was done above, the electronic pads and clay will be removed and a moisturizer is applied. This cream gives your skin feeling clean. Even if a bit sticky you will not need to shower after this treatment.